Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Physiology Paper-2 (Main), 2020 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Physiology Paper 2 of 2020 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on 28 January 2022. Maximum Marks: 100 TIME: 3Hrs
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MBBS: Physiology Paper 2 Part 1. ABVMUUP Paper Code: 2112130002
1. Describe cardiac cycle and its events with diagram (20 marks)
2. Describe in Brief (4x5 = 20 marks)
(a) Disorder of growth Hormones
(b) Hormones involved in blood sugar regulation
(c) Cardiac output & its regulations
(d) Mechanism of action of Oral contraceptive pills
3. Multiple choice questions (One mark per question: total 10 marks )
(a) Most potent vaspressor is
A) Angiotensin II
B) Nor –epinephrine
C) Aldosterone
D) Cortisol
(b) Dilatation of capillaries result due to
A) 5- HT
B) Nor-epinephrine
C) Low temperature
D) Axon reflex
(c) Heart rate is maximum in normal
A) Foetus
B) New born
C) Adult
D) Old age
(d) Thyroid hormones belongs to which class
A) Steroid
B) Proteins
C) Polypeptides
D) Amino acid derivative
(e) Weight of normal pituitary gland is
A) 0.5 gm
B) 1 gm
C) 1.5 gm
D) 2 gm
(f) Acromegaly is characterized by
A) Prognathism
B) Acromegalic facies
C) Hypertrophy of body soft tissues
D) All of above
(g) Calcitonin is produced by
A) Thyroid gland
B) Parathyroid gland
C) Adrenal gland
D) Pitutary gland
(h) The thyroid hormone mainly effective at tissue level
A) Free T3
B) Free T4
C) Both are equally effective
(I) Oogonia is derived from
A) Amnion
B) Yolk sac
C) Stroma of ovary
D) Germinal epithelium
(j) PH range of semen is
A) 6.2-6.5
B) 7.0-7.3
C) 7.3-7.5
D) 7.5-7.9
MBBS: Physiology Paper 2 Part 2. ABVMUUP Paper Code: 2112230002
1. Describe the image formation in eye and various type of refractory errors & their corrections (20)
2. Describe in brief ( 5x4=20)
(a) Parkinson disease
(b) Conductive deafness
(c) Aphasia
(d) Brown- sequard syndrome
3. Multiple choice questions ( Each question carries one mark: Total 10 marks )
(a) Which is NOT an EEG rhythm
A) Alpha
B) Beta
C) Gamma
D) Delta
(b) Basal ganglia includes
A) Putamen
B) Caudate
C) Globus pallidus
D) All of above
(c) Neurotransmitter in Nigrostriatal pathways, is
A) Dopamine
C) Acetyl choline
D) Nor epinephrine
(d) The cells in cerebral cortex are organized in how many layers
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8
(f) Number of receptor cells contained within olfactory mucous membrane
A) 1-2 million
B) 3-5 million
C) 5-10 million
D)10-20 million
(g) Smell receptors are located in
A) Lower 1/3 of nasal mucosa
B) Upper 1/3 of nasal mucosa
C) Olfactory bulb
D) Cribriform plate
(h) Foot plate of stapes covers
A) Round window
B) Oval window
C) Tympanic membrane
D) Basilar membrane
(i) Site where endolymph is seen
A) Scala vestibule
B) Scala media
C) Tunnel of Corti
D) Scala tympani
(j) Photo receptors in eye refers to
A) Rods only
B) Cones only
C) Both of above
D) None of above
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