Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers

Physiology Paper-1 (Supplementary), 2022 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow

This is Physiology Paper 1 of 2022 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on MARCH 2024


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SECTION A - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
PAPER CODE: 2421130002 SET: A
Note: Choose one correct answer in the OMR sheet provided. No overwriting should be done.
(20 x 1 = 20 MARKS) Time: 20 Minutes
1 Under normal respiratory conditions greatest resistance to air flow occurs in:

a) Alveolar duct b) Nose c) Large bronchi d) Terminal bronchiole

2 The difference of oxygen present in 100 ml of arterial blood and of venous blood at rest is approximately:

a) 20 ml b) 5 ml c) 19.4 ml d) 14.4 ml

3 J receptors are situated in:

a) Heart b) Blood vessels c) Alveolar interstitium d) Carotid body

4 Tall T waves of ECG are associated with:

a) Hypernatremia b) Hypokalemia c) Hyperkalemia d) Hyponatremia

5 Velocity of transmission is fastest through following part of the heart:

a) AV node b) Bundle of His c) Atria d) Purkinje fibers

6 The substance essential for the transfer of fatty acids across mitochondrial membrane:

a) Creatine b) Creatinine c) Carnitine d) Co-enzyme A

7 The biggest cell in the bone marrow is:

a) Reticulocytes b) Megakaryocytes c) Erythrocytes d) Metamyelocytes

8 Which cells of gastric mucosa secrete pepsinogen:

a) Zymogen cells b) Parietal cells c) Goblet cells d) Argentaffin cells

9 ECF volume is measured by using:

a) Insulin b) Inulin c) Evans blue d) D₂O

10 All or none response in a nerve is applicable to:

a) A mixed nerve b) A sensory nerve c) A motor nerve d) A single nerve fiber

11 Which of these is NOT a part of extracellular matrix?

a) Fibronectin b) Laminin c) Integrins d) Collagen

12 The nerve fiber easily blocked by local anesthetics is:

a) C type b) A beta c) A alpha d) A gamma

13 Hyperbaric oxygenation is useful in ALL EXCEPT:

a) Congenital heart disease b) Gas gangrene c) CO-poisoning d) Nitrogen toxicity

14 The first reactive change to occur after hemorrhage is:

a) Tachycardia b) Vasoconstriction c) Raised cortisol d) Raised epinephrine

15 Which of the following can be measured by using the helium dilution method:

a) Functional residual capacity b) Tidal volume c) Dead space d) Total lung volume

16 The increase in vascular permeability responsible for 'wheal' formation in triple response is due to:

a) Serotonin b) Acetyl choline c) Histamine d) Adrenaline

17 Which one of the following tissues has gap junctions?

a) Neurons b) Cardiac muscles c) Skeletal muscles d) Epithelial cells

18 Thick filaments in skeletal muscle are composed of:

a) Troponin b) Actin c) Myosin d) Tropomyosin

19 Which of the following techniques is used to study current flow across a single ion channel?

a) Patch-clamp b) Voltage-clamp c) Ionophoresis d) Galvanometry

20 Which of the following does not stimulate peripheral chemoreceptor?

a) Hypoxia b) Hypocapnia c) Acidosis d) Convulsion

Q.1 Long Answer Questions 15 MARKS

i) Define cardiac output. 3 marks

ii) Explain Fick's principle 5 marks

iii) Describe the factors affecting cardiac output 7 marks

Q.2 Clinical Case Scenario based Structured Question (15 MARKS)
A 22 year old male from Calcutta about 1.5-9 meters above sea level had arrived for pilgrimage (Amarnath shrine pilgrimage) located at an altitude of 5670m (Amarnath cave). Patient had climbed to an altitude of 3574m (Sheshnag) in a single day after arrival at base camp (Pahalgam altitude 2740m). On night of arrival at this altitude he complained of tightness in chest, breathlessness, tiredness, exhaustion, altered sensorium in form of irrelevant talking improper behavior like refusal to feed and poor response to verbal commands. On examining the patient at arrival in army facility his GCS was 10, pulse 108 bpm, BP 130/80, RR 35. Temperature 101°F, and SpO2 80%.

i) What is the most probable diagnosis of above condition? 3 marks

ii) Discuss the physiological changes that occur during acclimatization to high altitude. 6 marks

iii) Classify hypoxia. Describe the types of hypoxia with suitable examples. 6 marks

Q.3 Short Note Question (Approx 500 Words) 5 X 6 = 30 MARKS

i) Oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve

ii) Neural regulation of respiration

iii) Exocrine secretions of the pancreas

iv) Carbon-di-oxide transport in blood.

v) Wallerian degeneration.

Q.4 Short Answer Questions (Within 100 Words) 5 X 4 = 20 MARKS

i) Types of Heart Block

ii) Briefly explain the role of vitamin K in clotting.

iii) What are the functions of surfactant?

iv) What are the functions of saliva?

v) Bainbridge reflex

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