Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Pharmacology Paper-1 (Main), 2021 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Pharmacology Paper 1 of 2021 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow in MARCH 2024
VitalText Publication
1/21/20253 min read
PAPER CODE: 2411130005
SECTION A- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Time: 20 Minutes
Note: Choose one correct answer in the OMR sheet provided. No overwriting should be done.
1. If the total amount of a drug present in the body at a given moment is 2.0 g and its plasma concentration is 25 µg/ml, its volume of distribution is:
a) 100 L b) 80 L c) 60 L d) 50 L
2. When the same dose of a drug is repeated at half-life intervals, the steady-state (plateau) plasma drug concentration is reached after:
a) 4-5 half lives b) 2-3 half lives c) 6-7 half lives d) 8-10 half lives
3. The most vulnerable period of pregnancy for the causation of foetal malformations due to drugs is:
a) 18-55 days of gestation b) 56-84 days of gestation c) Second trimester d) 36 weeks onwards
4. An Immunologically mediated reaction to a drug producing stereotyped symptoms unrelated to its pharmacodynamic actions is:
a) Hypersensitivity b) Idiosyncrasy c) Supersensitivity d) Intolerance
5. Atropine does not antagonise the following feature of anticholinesterase poisoning:
a) Hypotension b) Muscle paralysis c) Central excitation d) Bronchoconstriction
6. Agonistic action on which of the following adrenergic receptors located on ciliary epithelial cells reduces aqueous secretion:
a) B1 receptor b) B2 receptor c) a1 receptor d) a2 receptor
7. Choose the drug which is used as a short-term inotropic in severe congestive heart failure and has selective adrenergic B1 agonistic activity but no dopaminergic agonistic activity:
a) Dobutamine b) Dopamine c) Amrinone d) Salmeterol
8. Which drug does not act by cAMP pathway:
a) Estrogen b) Glucagon c) Somatostatin d) ACTH
9. Drug used for cessation of smoking are all except:
a) Bupropion b) Varenecilline c) Nicotine d) Buspirone
10. The neuromuscular blocker that does not need reversal of action by neostigmine at the end of the operation is:
a) d-Tubocurarine b) Doxacurium c) Pipecuranium d) Mivacurium
11. The bladder trigone and prostatic muscles are relaxed by:
a) Adrenergic a1 agonists b) Adrenergic a1 antagonists c) Adrenergic a2 agonists d) Adrenergic a2 antagonists
12. Derivative of morphine used for diarrhea is:
a) Oxymorphine b) Diphenoxylate c) Pethidine d) Codeine
13. Bromocriptine acts as:
a) COMT inhibitor b) Peripheral carboxylase inhibitor c) Dopamine agonist d) MAO inhibitor
14. Drug of choice for alcohol withdrawal is:
a) Disulfiram b) Chlordiazepoxide c) Naltrexone d) Diazepam
15. Which of the following compounds acts as a benzodiazepine antagonist?
a) Flumazenil b) Naloxone c) Furazolidone d) Naltrexone
16. In which phase of clinical trials, post-marketing surveillance of a drug is carried out:
a) Phase I b) Phase II c) Phase III d) Phase IV
17. Succinylcholine is the preferred muscle relaxant for tracheal intubation because:
a) It produces rapid and complete paralysis of respiratory muscles with quick recovery b) It does not alter heart rate or blood pressure c) It does not cause histamine release d) It does not produce postoperative muscle soreness
18. Which statement about anti-epileptics is false?
a) Phenytoin and carbamazepine act by prolonging the inactivated state of Na+ channels b) Carbamazepine can be used in trigeminal neuralgias c) Diazepam is an anticonvulsant drug d) Lamotrigine mainly acts by causing GABA mediated Cl- channel opening
19. Which drug used for differentiating myasthenia gravis from cholinergic crisis?
a) Neostigmine b) Edrophonium c) Atropine d) Acetylcholine
20. Bimatoprost is used as:
a) Topical eye drops in open-angle glaucoma b) Systemically to maintain patency of ductus arteriosus c) Cervical gel for ripening of cervix d) Orally for gastric ulcers
TIME: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs)
Attempt all questions.
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A- Multiple Choice Questions and Section B-Theory Questions.
Both the section has different paper code. Write correct paper code on respective sheet
Write correct MCQ paper set on OMR sheet
Answer MCQs on the provided OMR sheet and theory questions on the provided answer booklet.
PAPER CODE: 2411230005
Q.1 Long Answer Question. ( 15 MARKS )
i) Describe antidepressant drugs. 9 marks
ii) Elaborate the mechanism of action, and potential side effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. 6 marks
Q.2 Clinical Case Scenario based Structured Question (15 MARKS)
A 50-year-old man has occasional episodes of gout that are painful and debilitating. He requires drugs to treat the symptoms of acute gout attacks 1 and to prevent recurrent attacks
i) What causes this patient's painful episodes of gout? 3 marks
ii) What is the therapeutic rationale for the drugs used to treat gout in this patient? 4 marks
iii) This patient is prescribed colchicine. What is the mechanism of action of this drug? 4 marks
iv) How does probenecid increase the excretion of uric acid? 4 marks
Q.3 Short Note Question (Approx 500 Words) 5 X 6 = 30 MARKS
i) Factors affecting absorption of a drug.
ii) Lithium
iii) Selective COX-2 inhibitors
iv) Management of status epilepticus
v) Informed Consent Process in clinical practice
Q.4 Short Answer Questions (Within 100 Words) 5 X 4 = 20 MARKS
i) Why long-acting beta-agonists (LABAs) are commonly used in combination with inhaled corticosteroids for the management of asthma?
ii) Compare and contrast dopamine and dobutamine.
iii) What is enterohepatic circulation and how it affects the elimination half-life of drugs?
iv) Pharmacotherapy of organophosphorus poisoning
v) Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists
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