Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Pharmacolgy Paper-2 (Main), 2020 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Pharmacolgy Paper 2 of 2020 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow in November 2022. Maximum Marks : 100 Time: 3 Hrs
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1/19/20253 min read
TIME: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
PAPER CODE: 2212130005
Note: Attempt all questions. Answer PART- A and PART-B in separate answer books. All part of a question should be answered together.
Q.1 Long Answer Question (4+4+3+4=15)
A 65 years old male presented to the OPD with the complaints of polydipsia and polyuria. His investigation reveals that his HbA1c level is 8%, and FBS was 235 mg/dl. He was diagnosed as a case of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Address the following:
a) Classify the oral anti-diabetic agents.
b) Write briefly about mechanism of action, adverse effects and contraindications of Metformin?
c) Discuss the life style modifications for this patient.
d) Discuss briefly management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words) (5x3=15)
a) Pharmacotherapy of Enteric fever.
b) Non-cardiovascular uses of ß blockers.
c) Write in brief about attributes of good communication by the doctor with his patients.
Q.3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words) (2 x 5 = 10)
a) Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Spironolactone should not be combined?
b) Role of Thrombolytics in acute Myocardial Infarction.
c) Amoxicillin is combined with clavulanic acid.
d) Trimethoprim is combined with sulfamethoxazole.
e) Aspirin can lead to peptic ulcer.
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions (1 x 10 = 10)
1. Thiazide diuretics and Furosemide have directionally opposite effect on the net renal excretion of the following substance:
a) Uric acid
b) Calcium
c) Magnesium
d) Bicarbonate
2. Rivaroxaban is?
a) Factor Xa inhibitor
b) Direct Thrombin inhibitor
c) Vit K antagonist
d) Unfractionated Heparin
3. Beta blocker not used in heart failure is:
a) Atenolol
b) Carvedilol
c) Metoprolol
d) Bisoprolol
4. Digoxin toxicity is increased by:
a) Hyperkalemia
b) Hypokalemia
c) Hypocalcemia
d) Hypermagnesemia
5. Mechanism of action of clopidogrel as an antiplatelet agent is:
a) By increasing PGI₂ level
b) Inhibition of ADP
c) GPIIb/Illa inhibition
d) By thromboxane A2 mediated cAMP inhibition
6. Which of the following drug is a potassium channel opener with anti-anginal activity?
a) Dipyridamole
b) Nicorandil
c) Trimetazidine
d) Oxyphedrine
7. Which of the following drugs has been shown to reduce mortality in chronic heart failure patients?
a) Atenolol
b) Propranolol
c) Digoxin
d) Spironolactone
8. Which of the following is used in subarachnoid hemorrhage?
a) Nimodipine
b) Betamethasone
c) Nifedipine
d) Frusemide
9. Which of the following drugs is absolutely contraindicated in the treatment of hypertension in pregnant patients?
a) Methyldopa
b) Amlodipine
c) Enalapril
d) Hydralazine
10. The combination of antianginal drugs that should be avoided to prevent adverse effects is:
a) Verapamil and a ß receptor antagonist
b) Nitroglycerine and a ß receptor antagonist
c) Nitroglycerine and verapamil
d) Amlodipine and a ß receptor antagonist
PART-B PAPER CODE: 2212130005
Q.1 Long Answer Question (5+6+4=15)
A 35-year male, working as a senior executive in a multinational company came to the OPD with complaints of episodes of headache, palpitations, and restlessness. His blood pressure was 150/96. He was advised dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and asked to report after one week with regular monitoring of blood pressure. His blood pressure was still 150/90. He was diagnosed to be a case of Stage I hypertension.
Address the following:
a) Classify the drugs used for hypertension.
b) Discuss the role of combination drug therapy in the management of hypertension.
c) Briefly write the management of the above-mentioned case of Stage-I hypertension.
Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words) (5x3=15)
a) Treatment of acute iron poisoning.
b) Management of acute attack of angina.
c) Anticancer drug induced toxicity and its amelioration.
Q.3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words) (2 x 5 = 10)
a) Combination chemotherapy in Tuberculosis.
b) SGLT2 inhibitors.
c) Enumerate adverse effects of corticosteroids.
d) Drug treatment of acute gout.
e) Enumerate adverse effects of thiazide diuretics.
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions (1 x 10 = 10)
1. Which of the following agents should be given to achieve rapid control of the severe diabetic ketoacidosis?
a) Regular Insulin
b) Glyburide
c) Insulin Glargine
d) Tolbutamide
2. Most effective physiological antagonist of histamine in smooth muscle is
a) Cetrizine
b) Epinephrine
c) Ranitidine
d) Sumatriptan
3. All of the following drugs are antiemetics, Except:
a) Metoclopramide
b) Ondansetron
c) Domperidone
d) Apomorphine Hydrochloride
4. Bisacodyl is
a) Bulk forming
b) Stool softener
c) Stimulant purgative
d) Osmotic purgative
5. Sulfa drug used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease is
a) Sulfasalazine
b) Sulfamethoxazole
c) Sulphadoxine
d) Sulfinpyrazone
6. Heparin acts by binding to
a) GP IIb/Illa receptor
b) Antithrombin III
c) Thrombin
d) Von Willebrand factor
7. Which of the following is a 5th generation Cephalosporin?
a) Cefixime
b) Ceftobiprole
c) Cefepime
d) Cefpirome
8. Which of the following enzyme is inhibited by trimethoprim?
a) Folic acid synthase
b) Dihydrofolate reductase
c) Aldehyde dehydrogenase
d) DNA gyrase
9. Most Nephrotoxic anticancer drug is
a) Cisplatin
b) Bleomycin
c) Nitrosoureas
d) Vincristine
10. Which of the following antimalarial drug is to be given with dextrose to avoid the risk of hypoglycemia?
a) Quinine
b) Artemether
c) Primaquine
d) Chloroquine
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