Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers

Pathology Paper-1 (Supplementary), 2020 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow

This is Pathology Paper 1 of 2020 MBBS Batch. This Paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow in February 2023. Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hrs


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Note : Attempt all questions. Answer PART-A and PART-B in separate answer books. All part of a question should be answered together.
PART-A. PAPER CODE : 2321130004
Q.1 Long Answer Question. ( 1×15=15 Marks)

a) Define and classify anemia. ( 5 Marks )

b) Describe the pathogenesis and lab Diagnosis of Thalassemia. ( 5+5 Marks)

Q.2 Short Notes Questions. ( within 500 words) ( 3×5=15 Marks)

a) Complications of blood transfusion.

b) Pathogenesis of septic shock.

c) Describe mechanisms of tumor metastases.

Q.3 Short AnswerQuestions. ( within 100 words) ( 5×2 =10 Marks)

a) Briefly describe Down Syndrome.

b) Enumerate opportunististic infection in HIV patients.

c) Red blood cells indices.

d) Differentiate between apoptosis and necrosis.

e) Differentiate between transudate and exudate.

1) All are physiological giant cells except:
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions. ( 10×1=10 Marks)

a) Megakaryocytes

b) Osteoclasts

c) Syncytiotrophoblasts

d) Touton giant cells

2) MHC Class 1 gene are expressed on surface of all these cells except:

a) B cells

b) T cells

c) Platelets

d) Macrophages

3) Glycogen storage disease associated with accumulation of glycogen in cardiac muscle is:

a) Andersen disease

b) Pompe disease

c) McArdle disease

d) Forbe's disease

4) which of the following gene acts as " Molecular Policeman " or " Gatekeeper gene " :

a) p53

b) RB

c) APC

d) WT 1

5) Amyloidosis is associated with medullary carcinoma arising from one of these organs:

a) Kidney

b) Breast

c) Thyroid

d) Gall Blader

6) Pigment whose accumulation is associated with " Brown atrophy" is :

a) Copper

b) Hemosiderin

c) Lipofuscin

d) Anthracotic pigment

7) A sex linked recessive mode of inheritance exists in:

a) Myotonic dystrophy

b) Duchenne muscular dystrophy

c) Limb girdle dystrophy

d) Polymyositis

8) An allograft is a graft between:

a) Identical twins

b) Two individuals of same species

c) Two individuals of different species

d) A human and an animal

9) The term " Carcinoma in situ " is equivalent to :

a) Hypertrophy

b) Hyperplasia

c) Dysplasia

d) Metaplasia

10) In acute pancreatitis , this type of necrosis occurs in peripancreatic tissue :

a) Fat

b) Liquefaction

c) Coagulative

d) Fibrinoid

PART-B PAPER CODE : 2321130004
Q.1 Long Answer Question. ( 1×15=15 Marks)

a) Define Inflammation. 2 Marks

b) Enumerate the cellular events in acute Inflammation. 3 Marks

c) Discuss in detail the mechanism of chemotaxis and phagocytosis. 5 Marks

d) Enlist the common defects in Leukocyte functions. 5 Marks

Q.2 Short Notes Questions. ( within 500 words) ( 3×5=15 Marks)

a) Types and causes for Pathologic Calcification

b) Type III hypersensitivity reactions

c) Classify and discuss Hodgkins Lympoma

Q.3 Short AnswerQuestions. ( within 100 words) ( 5×2 =10 Marks)

a) Bernard-Soulier syndrome

b) Bence Jone's protein

c) Name four virus implicated in carcinogenesis

d) Gross skeletal changes in rickets

e) Enumerate four childhood malignancies

Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions. ( 10×1=10 Marks)
1) Formation of Aschoff bodies are a morphological feature of :

a) Chronic cholecystitis

b) Chronic appendicitis

c) Rheumatic Heart Disease

d) Rheumatoid arthritis

2) " Onion peel appearance " is characteristic of :

a) Benign hypertensive

b) Malignant nephrosclerosis

c) Diabetic nephropathy

d) Lupus nephritis

3) Kimmelstiel Wilson nodules are characteristic of :

a) Amyloidosis

b) Light chain deposition disease

c) Myeloma kidney

d) Diabetic Nephropathy

4) Gleason Scoring System is valid for grading of carcinoma originating in :

a) Kidney

b) Urinary bladder

c) Prostate

d) Testes

5) Variation in RBC size is expressed by :

a) RDW

b) MCV


d) MCH

6) Cell diagnostic of Hodgkin's lympoma is :

a) Histiocyte

b) Hairy cell

c) Faggot cell

d) Reed Sternberg Cell

7) Which of the following is hallmark of programmed cell death :

a) Apoptosis

b) Coagulation

c) Fibrinoid necrosis

d) Liquefaction necrosis

8) Low and fixed Specific gravity of urine is found in:

a) Hyperthyroidism

b) Cushings Syndrome

c) Meigs Syndrome

d) Chronic Renal Failure

9) Auer rod is a characteristic feature of Leukemic blasts of which lineage :

a) B- Lymphoblast

b) T- Lymphoblast

c) Myeloblast

d) Erythroblast

10) Tophus is pathognomic of which condition :

a) Multiple Myeloma

b) Cystinosis

c) Gout

d) Arthritis

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