Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Pathology Paper-1 (Main), 2020 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Pathology Paper 1 of 2020 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow in November 2022. Maximum Marks : 100 Time: 3 Hrs
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Note : Attempt all questions. Answer PART-A and PART-B in separate answer books. All part of a question should be answered together.
Q.1 Long Answer Question. ( 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 )
A 30 year old female presented with cervical lymphadenopathy, low grade fever , cough , loss of appetite and weight loss. On investigation, the mantoux test was positive and FNAC revealed tubercular lymphadenitis.
a) Pathogenesis of primary and secondary tuberculosis
b) Describe the structure of granuloma, its different types and examles of granulomatous Inflammation
c) Describe necrosis and differentiate it from apoptosis.
Q.2 Short Notes Questions ( within 500 words) ( 5×3 = 15 )
a) Healing by Primary and Secondary intentions.
b) Role of cytokines in Inflammation.
c) Breaking Bad news.
Q.3 Short Answer Questions ( within 100 words) (2×5=10)
Explain the following in brief why:
a) Bends and Chokes occur in Decompression sickness.
b) Carpal tunnel syndrome develop in a renal failure patient on hemodialysis.
c) Pea d' orange occur in carcinoma breast.
d) Blue black Skin pigmentation in alkaptonuria.
e) Edema, tachycardia, fever after bee sting.
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions. ( 1×10=10)
1) Liquefactive necrosis is seen in :
a) Brain
b) Breast
c) Liver
d) Pancreas
2) Hemophilia A is characterized by :
a) Prolonged PTT
b) Abnormal BT
c) Low platelet count
d) Prolonged PT
3) Virchow's Triads includes all except :
a) Venous Thrombosis
b) Vein injury
c) Venous Stasis
d) Hypercoagulabity of Blood
4) Sickle cell disease is due to :
a) Frame Shift mutation
b) Point Mutation
c) Nucleotide receptor blockage
d) Non-sequence mutation
5) Knudson two hit hypothesis is seen with :
a) Melanoma
b) Retinoblastoma
c) Lympoma
d) Osteosarcoma
6) Kaposi's sarcoma is associated with :
a) HCV
b) HSV
c) HPV
d) HHV
7) HLA is associated with short arm of chrosome :
a) 6
b) 8
c) 3
d) 9
8) Hypersensitivity reaction in blood transfusion reaction is :
a) Type III
b) Cell Mediated
c) Cytotoxic type
d) Anaphylactic type
9) The term " Carcinoma in situ " is closely related to :
a) Hypertrophy
b) Hyperplasia
c) Dysplasia
d) Metaplasia
10) Which of the Leukemia show Generalised lymphadenopathy :
a) ALL
b) CML
c) CLL
d) AML
PART - A PAPER CODE : 2211130004
PART - B PAPER CODE : 2211130004
Q.1 Long Answer Question. ( 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 )
A 10 month old male infant presents with severe pallor. On examination he has prominent cheek bones & hepatosplenomegaly. The treating doctor is considering the possibility of beta Thalassemia Major.
a) Enumerate various haematological and biochemical findings in beta Thalassemia Major.
b) Describe its Pathogenesis.
c) Give differential Diagnosis of Beta - Thalassemia Major and mention special tests for confirmation of its Diagnosis.
Q.2 Short Notes Questions ( within 500 words) ( 5×3 = 15 )
a) Paraneoplastic Syndromes.
b) Blood Transfusion Reactions.
c) Chemical mediators of Inflammation.
Q.3 Short Answer Questions ( within 100 words) (2×5=10)
a) Difference between Necrosis and Apoptosis.
b) Difference between Transudate and Exudate.
c) Enumerate any four autosomal recessive disorder.
d) Name any four tumor markers and tumor associated with it.
e) Define autoimmunity with example.
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions. ( 1×10=10)
1) Reed Sternberg cells are found in :
a) CML
b) Sickle cell anemia
c) ALL
d) Hodgkin's Lympoma
2) Auer rods are found in :
a) Megakaryoblast
b) Myeloblast
c) Lymphoblast
d) Erythroblast
3) Wound contraction is mediated by :
a) Epithelial cells
b) Elastin
c) Collagen
d) Myofibroblasts
4) Smudge cells in peripheral smear are commonly seen in :
a) AML
b) ALL
c) CLL
d) CML
5) Reticulocytes are stained with :
a) Sudan Black
b) MethylVoilet
c) Carmine
d) Brilliant Cresyl Blue
6) Libman-Sacks endocarditis is seen in :
a) Rhematoid arthritis
b) SLE
c) Infective Endocarditis
d) Non bacterial thrombotic endocarditis
7) The Centre of a characteristic tubercular granuloma shows :
a) Langhans Giant Cell
b) Liquefactive Necrosis
c) Epithelial Cells
d) Caseous Necrosis
8) Fat embolism is commonly seen in :
a) Drowning
b) Hanging
c) Head injuries
d) Long bone fractures
9) Trisomy 13 is identified as :
a) Edward's syndrome
b) Down's syndrome
c) Patau's syndrome
d) Klinefelter's syndrome
10) In amyloidosis, beta pleated sheet will be seen in :
a) Electron microscope
b) X-ray crystallography
c) Congo red stain
d) Phase contrast microscope
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