Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Microbiology Paper-1 (Supplementary), 2020 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Microbiology Paper 1 of 2020 MBBS Batch. This Paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow in February 2023. Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hrs
VitalText Publication
1/18/20253 min read
TIME: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 100
PAPER CODE: 2321130006
Note: Attempt all questions. Answer PART- A and PART-B in separate answer books. All part of a question should be answered together.
Q.1 Long Answer Question (2+3+5+5=15 Marks)
A school going child presented to OPD with pain in throat, difficulty in swallowing, high grade fever and cervical lymphadenopathy. Upon examining his throat, a membranous structure was noticed around tonsillar pillars in posterior pharynx. Gram's stain of the throat swab shows pleomorphic Gram-positive bacilli.
a) Give your diagnosis and name the causative organism.
b) What is the pathogenesis and tests for determination of its toxigenicity?
c) What is the appropriate sample and how will you establish the lab diagnosis of such condition?
d) How do you prevent this disease in children?
Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words) (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)
Sterilization by heat
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Discuss in brief barriers to health care as a right.
Q.3 Short Answer Questions(within 100 words) (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)
Naglers Reaction
Name two transport media
Enumerate items that are included in PPE
Widal test
Louis Pasteur
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions. ( 10×1=10 Marks)
1. The smallpox vaccine was discovered by:
a) Edward Jenner
b) Joseph Lister
c) Niels Jerne
d) Paul Ehrlich
2. Father of antiseptic surgery is:
a) Robert Koch
b) Paul Ehrlich
c) Joseph Lister
d) Alexander Fleming
3. In which phase of bacterial growth does sporulation occur:
a) Lag phase
b) Log phase
c) Stationary phase
d) Phase of decline
4. Electron microscope was developed by:
a) Antony van Leeuwenhoek
b) Ernst Ruska
c) Paul Ehrlich
d) Robert Koch
5. Catalase test is negative in:
a) S. aureus
b) S. pyogenes
c) S. typhi
d) E. coli
6. Following are live vaccine EXCEPT:
a) BCG
b) Hepatitis A
c) Oral Polio
d) 17 D for JE
7. Which HLA type is closely linked with rheumatoid arthritis:
a) HLA-B7
b) HLA-B27
c) HLA-DR3
d) HLA-DR4
8. Super antigen causes:
a) Enhancement of phagocytosis
b) Polyclonal activation of B cells
c) Antigen presentation
d) Activation of complements
9. Steaming of a material at 1000C for 3 consecutive days is:
a) Inspissation
b) Tyndallisation
c) Pasteurization
d) Incineration
10. Which bacterial spores are used as sterilization controls in autoclaves:
a) Clostridium tetani
b) Bacillus cereus
c) Geobacillus stearothermophilus
d) Bacillus subtilis
PART - B PAPER CODE: 2321230006
Q.1 Long Answer Question (3+6+6=15 Marks)
An 18 years old male from a army training camp presented with high grade fever, projectile vomiting and neck rigidity to the emergency room. The doctor suspects acute meningitis.
Enumerate important causes of acute bacterial meningitis.
Discuss the likely cause of meningitis in this case and a method of prevention.
Outline the laboratory approach for confirming the etiological diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis.
Q.2 Short Notes Questions. ( within 500 words) ( 3×5=15 Marks)
a) Enumerate hospital associated infections and give common causative organism.
b) Scrub typhus
c) What is reaginic antibody ?
Q.3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words) (5x2=10 Marks)
What is reaginic antibody?
How a toxoid is different from toxin?
Name bacteria causing food poisoning.
What is satellitism?
Weil Felix test.
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
1. Methicillin resistant Staphylococci is due to:
a) Mutation
b) Increase in cell wall thickness
c) Alteration in penicillin binding proteins
d) Tolerance of the drug
2. Which of the following is a non-suppurative complication of streptococcus pyogenes?
a) Pharyngitis
b) Impetigo
c) Necrotizing fasciitis
d) Acute rheumatic fever
3. The toxigenicity of corynebacterial diphtheria is due to:
a) Beta phage
b) Lambda phage
c) Gamma phage
d) Delta phage
4. Which of the following shows characteristic safety pin appearance on staining?
a) H. Influenzae
b) C. Perfringens
c) Y. Pestis
d) V. Cholera
5. The clinical condition caused by C. perfringens Type C is:
a) Gangrenous appendicitis
b) Pseudomembranous colitis
c) Severe necrotizing enteritis
d) Neutropenic colitis
6. HACEK group includes all except:
a) Haemophilus spp.
b) Aggregatibacter spp.
c) Cardiobacterium spp.
d) Elizabethkingia
7. Maximum infectivity of whooping cough is during:
a) Catarrhal stage
b) Paroxysmal stage
c) Convalescent stage
d) Acute stage
8. Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome does not include:
a) Conjunctivitis
b) Perihepatitis
c) Salpingitis
d) Arthritis
9. A farmer who works in close association with animals presented with generalized fatigue, arthralgia and myalgia of one month duration. He gave a history of consumption of raw milk. What is the likely disease he is suffering from?
a) Toxoplasmosis
b) Brucellosis
c) Leishmaniasis
d) Shigellosis
10. A 33-year-old smoker was admitted with pneumonia. His sputum was subjected to serological test and was positive for mycoplasma pneumoniae. What is the best method to confirm the diagnosis:
a) Bacterial culture
b) Gram stain microscopy
c) Complement fixation test with paired sera
d) ELISA of cell wall antigens
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