Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Microbiology Paper-1 (Main), 2021 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Microbiology Paper 1 of 2021 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow in MARCH 2024
VitalText Publication
1/21/20253 min read
SECTION A - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
PAPER CODE: 2411130006 SET: A
Time: 20 Minutes (20 x 1 = 20 MARKS)
Note: Choose one correct answer in the OMR sheet provided. No overwriting should be done.
Tyndallisation is a type of:
a) Intermittent sterilization
b) Pasteurisation
c) Dry heat
d) BoilingProzone phenomenon is due to:
a) Antigen excess
b) Antibody excess
c) Hyperimmune response
d) Antigen-antibody excessBacteria are uniformly stains in which phase of bacterial growth curve?
a) Lag phase
b) Log phase
c) Stationary phase
d) Decline phaseWhich of the following uses both diffusion and dilution methods for antimicrobial susceptibility?
a) Kirby Bauer
b) Broth Dilution Method
c) E-test
d) StokesWhich one is the single most important cause of gastroenteritis in young children?
a) Adenovirus
b) Rota viruses
c) Norovirus
d) SapovirusDefinitive host for Echinococcus is:
a) Man
b) Sheep
c) Dog
d) Lunging genesPenicillin anaphylaxis is mediated by which of the following hypersensitivity reactions?
a) Type I
b) Type II
c) Type III
d) Type IVDetection of fimbriae can be done by which of the following method?
a) Hanging drop method
b) Gram’s stain
c) Electron Microscope
d) Differential StainingWhat is a mutation that changes the whole sequence of amino acids occurring after it known as?
a) Missense mutation
b) Nonsense mutation
c) Point mutation
d) Frameshift mutationWhich is the most common cause of endocarditis associated with intravenous drug abusers ?
a) Staphylococcus epidermitis
b) Streptococcus agalactiae
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) Streptococcus pneumoniaeWhich of the following is NOT a suitable specimen for anaerobic culture ?
a) Peritoneal fluid
b) Throat swab
c) Exudates from deep tissue
d) BloodWhich of the following biochemical waste bags are terminally disposed by autoclave sterilization?
a) Yellow
b) Red
c) Green
d) WhiteA 25-year-old female presents with generalized edema, swelling, flushing tachycardia, and edema after a bee sting. This reaction is mediated by which of the following antibodies?
a) IgM
b) IgG
c) IgA
d) IgEEndoscope is sterilized by:
a) Glutaraldehyde
b) Formaldehyde
c) Hot air oven
d) AutoclavingWhich level of hepatitis B antibody is considered to be protective after vaccination?
a) 0.1 IU/ml
b) 1 IU/ml
c) 10 IU/ml
d) 0.05 IU/mlWhich of the following is an Enveloped viruses :
a) Herpes virus
b) Adenovirus
c) Influenza virus
d) Polio virusAll of the following are testing methods of antimicrobial sensitivity for bacteria EXCEPT:
a) Disk diffusion method
b) Broth dilution method
c) Chemical method
d) Molecular methodWhich of the following fungi is usually associated with Blood Stream Infection?
a) Sporothrix schenckii
b) Paracoccidioides
c) Piedra
d) RhizopusIndia ink is which type of staining technique?
a) Simple Staining
b) Impregnation Method
c) Negative Staining
d) Differential StainingJumping genes is
a) Transposon
b) Episone
c) Cosmid
d) Plasmid
TIME: 3 Hrs MICROBIOLOGY - PAPER - I Max. Marks: 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs)
Attempt all questions.
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A - Multiple Choice Questions and Section B - Theory Questions.
Both the section has different paper code. Write correct paper code on respective sheet
Write correct MCQ paper set on OMR sheet
Answer MCQs on the provided OMR sheet and theory questions on the provided answer booklet.
PAPER CODE: 2411230006
Q.1 Long Answer Question. ( 15 MARKS )
i) Define sterilization. 2 marks
ii) Classify the various methods of sterilization. 4 marks
iii) Write the principle, functioning and sterilization control of an autoclave. 9 marks
Q.2 Clinical Case Scenario based Structured Question (15 MARKS)
A 44-year-old man visits the out patient department with complains of fever associated with chills and rigors occurring every 48 hours since 5 days, headache and vomiting that came down with profuse sweating. On examination mild jaundice, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly was found.
i) What is the most probable diagnosis? 2 marks
ii) Briefly discuss life cycle of the organism. 6 marks
iii) Explain its laboratory diagnosis. 7 marks
Q.3 Short Note Question (Approx 500 Words) 5 X 6 = 30 MARKS
i) Define antibody. Describe in detail about structure and function of Immunoglobulin M (IgM).
ii) Discuss in detail about the laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis B virus infection.
iii) Write pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Enteric fever.
iv) Acute Rheumatic fever.
v) Morphological classification of fungi.
Q.4 Short Answer Questions (Within 100 Words) 5 X 4 = 20 MARKS
i) Spaulding's classification of medical devices.
ii) Plasmid.
iii) Difference between innate and acquired immunity.
iv) Methicillin resistance staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
v) Write the differences between exotoxin and endotoxin
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