Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers

Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Paper ( Main ) 2021 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow

This is Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Paper Paper of 2020 MBBS Batch . This Paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University , Lucknow in JANUARY 2025.


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SECTION A - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
PAPER CODE: 2511130007 SET: B

Time: 20 Minutes (20 x 1 = 20 MARKS)

Note: Choose one correct answer in the OMR sheet provided. No overwriting should be done.
  1. Centre of ossification used as medicolegal evidence of fetal viability:
    a) Talus
    b) Head of Femur
    c) Calcaneum
    d) Distal End of Femur

  2. Age at which a person can give consent for physical examination:
    a) 18 years
    b) 8 years
    c) 16 years
    d) 12 years

  3. The first internal sign of putrefaction is usually a discoloration seen on:
    a) Base of brain
    b) Base of lungs
    c) Undersurface of spleen
    d) Undersurface of liver

  4. If death of a patient occurs during surgery due to the negligence of the surgeon, then he can be charged under:
    a) 304 A IPC
    b) 299 IPC
    c) 304 B IPC
    d) 300 IPC

  5. Feminine form of impotency is:
    a) Flaccidity
    b) Sterility
    c) Passivity
    d) Frigidity

  6. A tattoo mark, described by immediate relatives, is absent on autopsy. Its evidence can be obtained from dissection of:
    a) Adjacent muscles
    b) Adjacent bones
    c) Adjacent lymph nodes
    d) Adjacent fat

  7. Which is the first organ to putrefy among mentioned below:
    a) Prostate
    b) Brain
    c) Kidney
    d) Heart

  8. Post-mortem caloricity is seen in poisoning from:
    a) Cyanide
    b) Arsenic
    c) Organophosphorus
    d) Strychnine

  9. In India Magisterate inquest is done in all of the following cases except:
    a) Custodial death
    b) Police firing
    c) Murder
    d) Dowry death

  10. Characteristic of anterior cranial fossa fracture:
    a) CSF Otorrhea
    b) Black eye
    c) Hemotympanum
    d) Pupillary dilation

  11. Acute toxicity of organophosphates causes:
    a) Urine retention
    b) Anuria
    c) Oliguria
    d) Urine incontinence

  12. Chief Judicial Magistrate can give sentence to guilty for imprisonment up to:
    a) 1 year
    b) 2 years
    c) 3 years
    d) Life imprisonment

  13. Fracture of hyoid bone is indicative of:
    a) Ligature strangulation
    b) Manual strangulation
    c) Bansdola
    d) Hanging

  14. In a case of organophosphorous poisoning, smell of stomach contents is:
    a) Kerosene like
    b) Fishy
    c) Musty
    d) Bitter almond like

  15. Corpus Delicti means:
    a) Insane mind
    b) Criminal mind
    c) Evidence of crime
    d) Essence of crime

  16. In a comatose patient, when life support itself is withdrawn is:
    a) Involuntary euthanasia
    b) Active euthanasia
    c) Passive euthanasia
    d) Voluntary euthanasia

  17. The presence of tache noire is suggestive that the time since death is:
    a) 30 minutes
    b) 1 hour
    c) 8 hours
    d) 2 hours

  18. A 4 year old boy accidentally ingested a clear fluid, vomited twice then started to cough with tachypnea, 24 hours later he developed fever of 39°C due to bronchopneumonia. The possible diagnosis is:
    a) Ethanol toxicity
    b) Phenol toxicity
    c) Methanol toxicity
    d) Kerosene toxicity

  19. In starvation the postmortem appearance of gall bladder is:
    a) Shows stones
    b) Atrophied
    c) Thick walled
    d) Distended

  20. Aseptic autolysis is found in:
    a) Mummification
    b) Adipocere
    c) Maceration
    d) Putrefaction

Max. Marks: 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20 MCQs)
Time: 3 Hrs


  • Attempt all questions.

  • This question paper consists of two sections: Section A - Multiple Choice Questions and Section B - Theory Questions.

  • Both the sections have different paper codes. Write correct paper code on respective sheet.

  • Write correct MCQ paper set on OMR sheet.

  • Answer MCQs on the provided OMR sheet and theory questions on the provided answer booklet.


PAPER CODE: 2511230007

Q.1 Long Answer Question (15 Marks)

i) Define Autolysis and Putrefaction. (5 marks)
ii) Briefly describe the decomposition changes on the body 24 hours after death. (5 marks)
iii) Draw life cycle of maggots, how forensic entomology can help in evaluating time since death. (5 marks)

Q.2 Clinical Case Scenario based Structured Question (15 Marks)

A dead body was brought for post-mortem examination. Inquest report mentions cause of death is due to drowning. On external examination, froth coming out from nostrils, both palms and soles are soddened, sea weeds are found to be grasped by both hands. Post-mortem lividity present over upper chest and face.

i) What is the case and mention 4 internal findings during post-mortem examination which should be present in this case. (3 marks)
ii) Difference between sea water and fresh water drowning. (5 marks)
iii) What is Immersion syndrome. (2 marks)
iv) Difference between Emphysema aquosum and Oedema aquosum. (3 marks)
v) What are circumstances where water cannot be detected in stomach in a case of death due to drowning? (2 marks)

Q.3 Short Note Questions (Approx 500 Words) (5 x 6 = 30 Marks)

i) What is Asphyxia. How Carbon monoxide poisoning affects the human body.
ii) Name different types of skull fractures. Difference between subdural and subarachnoid haemorrhage.
iii) Discuss legal issues in artificial insemination.
iv) What is the sequence of court procedures? What is perjury and its punishment?
v) What are 4D’s of Medical Negligence? Give examples of each. What is the difference between medical negligence and professional misconduct?

Q.4 Short Answer Questions (Within 100 Words) (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)

i) Features of close shot injuries in rifled firearms.
ii) What are manifestations of plumbism? How will you manage such a case?
iii) What is Virtual Autopsy. Advantages and disadvantages.
iv) Diagnosis of Chronic Opium abuse.
v) Describe role of DNA profile and its application in medico-legal practice.

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