Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers

Biochemistry Paper-1 (Supplementary), 2023 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow

This is Biochemistry Paper 1 of 2023 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on DECEMBER 2024


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SECTION A – Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
PAPER CODE: 2421130003

Note: Choose one correct answer in the OMR sheet provided. No overwriting should be done.
Time: 20 Minutes
(20 x 1 = 20 Marks)

  • 1.Which of the following carbohydrates contains a β-1,4 glycosidic bond?
    a) Cellulose
    b) Glycogen
    c) Starch
    d) Maltose

  • 2.Which of the following is recommended as a supplement in iron deficiency anemia?
    a) Vitamin A
    b) Vitamin C
    c) Vitamin D
    d) Vitamin B

  • 3.During prolonged fasting, the brain primarily relies on which of the following substrates for energy?
    a) Glucose
    b) Fatty acids
    c) Amino acids
    d) Ketone bodies

  • 4.All of the following are responsible for cell junction formation except:
    a) Cadherins
    b) Integrins
    c) Cathepsins
    d) Selectins

  • 5.In Lineweaver-Burk plots, what do the x-intercept and y-intercept represent, respectively?
    a) -1/Km and -1/Vmax
    b) Vmax and -1/Km
    c) -1/Km and 1/Vmax
    d) -1/Vmax and 1/Km

  • 6.Which molecule acts as a carrier for acyl groups across the mitochondrial membrane during fatty acid oxidation?
    a) Carnitine
    b) Acyl carrier protein
    c) Coenzyme A
    d) Biotin

  • 7.Zellweger syndrome is the disorder of:
    a) Mitochondria
    b) Peroxisomes
    c) Lysosomes
    d) Golgi apparatus

  • 8.The conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonate is inhibited by:
    a) Insulin
    b) Statins
    c) Glucagon
    d) Epinephrine

  • 9.Elevated levels of which enzyme are most indicative of acute pancreatitis?
    a) Amylase
    b) Alkaline phosphatase
    c) Lipase
    d) Gamma-glutamyl transferase

  • 10.Which enzyme is commonly elevated in bone diseases such as Paget's disease and osteomalacia?
    a) AST
    b) ALT
    c) ALP
    d) GGT

  • 11.A diabetic patient is advised blood glucose estimation to check his present status. Which of the following types of vials is recommended for sample collection for exact glucose estimation?
    a) EDTA vial
    b) Plain vial
    c) Fluoride vial
    d) Citrate vial

  • 12.The best test for assessing the synthetic function of the liver in Acute Hepatitis is:
    a) Serum bilirubin
    b) Serum albumin
    c) Prothrombin time (PT)
    d) Serum globulin

  • 13.Which complex of the electron transport chain is also part of the citric acid cycle?
    a) Complex I
    b) Complex II
    c) Complex III
    d) Complex IV

  • 14.A strict vegetarian female presents to the clinic with weakness, fissured tongue, and paralysis. After pathological examination, doctors confirmed it as megaloblastic anemia. It is due to deficiency of which vitamin?
    a) Vitamin B1
    b) Vitamin B6
    c) Vitamin B12
    d) Vitamin B9

  • 15.Which of the following fatty acids is obtained through the diet?
    a) Linolenic acid
    b) Arachidonic acid
    c) Palmitic acid
    d) Stearic acid

  • 16.The major route of excretion for phospholipids is:
    a) Lungs
    b) Urine
    c) Sweat
    d) Saliva

  • 17.What is the term for isomers that differ in the configuration around only one specific carbon atom?
    a) Epimers
    b) Enantiomers
    c) Anomers
    d) Diastereomers

  • 18.A 2-year-old child born out of consanguineous marriage presents with delayed milestones and convulsions. Examination revealed increased head size, developmental delay, and cherry red spots in retina. Blood examination showed deficiency of hexosaminidase A. What is the diagnosis?
    a) Sandhoff's disease
    b) Krabbe disease
    c) Tay Sachs disease
    d) Fabry's disease

  • 19.Which of the following is the most specific test for diagnosing chronic kidney disease?
    a) Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
    b) Creatinine clearance
    c) Serum creatinine
    d) Urine protein

  • 20.Which of the following organelles is involved in the detoxification of drugs and poisons in the liver cells?
    a) Lysosomes
    b) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
    c) Rough endoplasmic reticulum
    d) Golgi apparatus



Max. Marks: 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs) TIME: 3 Hrs


  • This question paper consists of two sections: Section A- Multiple Choice Questions and Section B- Theory Questions.

  • Both the section has different paper code. Write correct paper code on respective sheet.

  • Write correct MCQ paper set on OMR sheet.

  • Answer MCQs on the provided OMR sheet and theory questions on the provided answer booklet.


PAPER CODE: 2421230003
Q.1 Long Answer Questions 15 MARKS

i) Classify enzyme with suitable examples in each class. 3 marks

ii) What is Apoenzyme? Discuss difference between prosthetic group, cofactor and coenzyme with suitable examples. 5 marks

iii) Differentiate competitive and non-competitive enzyme inhibitions with suitable diagrams. 4 marks

iv) Discuss therapeutic role of enzymes. 3 marks

Q.2 Clinical Case Scenario based Structured Question (15 MARKS)

A 6-month-old infant presents with hypoglycemia, seizures, and hepatomegaly. Laboratory tests reveal low blood glucose, high lactate and high uric acid levels along with ketones in urine. A biopsy of the liver shows excessive glycogen storage. Genetic testing confirms a diagnosis of glycogen storage disease type I (GSD I).

i) Discuss the biochemical basis of this disorder, how does it affect carbohydrate metabolism? 2 marks

ii) What is the inheritance pattern of this disorder? 1 marks

iii) What is the biochemical cause of hyperuricemia in this case? Also discuss how GSD I causes lactic acidosis? 3 marks

iv) Discuss Glycogenolysis and its regulation. 5 marks

v) Enumerate glycogen storage disorders along with related enzyme deficiencies. 4 marks

Q.3 Short Note Question (Approx 500 Words) 5 X 6 = 30 MARKS

i) Discuss Thyroid function test.

ii) Discuss conjugation reactions in Xenobiotics.

iii) Describe hormonal regulation of blood calcium.

iv) Give schematic diagram of ETC (Electron Transport Chain) indicating inhibitors of each complex.

v) Describe the formation and fate of Ketone bodies. Add a note on Ketosis.

Q.4 Short Answer Questions (Within 100 Words) 5 X 4 = 20 MARKS

i) Write a short note on metabolic alkalosis and its compensation.

ii) Role of micelles in the digestion of fats.

iii) Define Creatinine Clearance and state its formula and normal range.

iv) Enumerate any four uncouplers of ETC and also discuss their biological significance.

v) What is BMI and how is it calculated? Give complete BMI ranges for an adult.

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