Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Anatomy Paper-2 (Supplementary), 2023 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Anatomy Paper 2 of 2023 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on DECEMBER 2024
VitalText Publication
1/23/20253 min read
PAPER CODE: 2422130001
SECTION A - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Note: Choose one correct answer in the OMR sheet provided. No overwriting should be done.
Time: 20 Minutes
20 x 1 = 20 MARKS
1. The following ligaments form boundaries of the bare area of liver except:
a) Superior layer of coronary ligaments
b) Inferior layer of coronary ligaments
c) Right triangular ligament
d) Left triangular ligament
2. The cystic vein drains into the
a) Right branch of portal vein
b) Left branch of portal vein
c) Stem of portal vein
d) Superior mesenteric vein
3. The subcostal plane passes through the
a) Ninth costal cartilage
b) Eighth costal cartilage
c) Eleventh costal cartilage
d) Tenth costal cartilage
4. The renal pelvis is actually the:
a) Expanded upper end of ureter
b) Continuation of renal sinus
c) Place of filtrate
d) Place of reabsorption
5. Floor of inguinal canal is formed by the
a) Upper surface of inguinal ligament only
b) Upper surface of inguinal ligament & lacunar ligament
c) Anterior surface of inguinal ligament only
d) Anterior surface of inguinal ligament & lacunar ligament
6. The apex of ischiorectal fossa is formed by:
a) Fusion of anal and obturator fasciae
b) Levator ani muscle
c) Inferior pad of fat
d) Sphincter ani externus
7. The most dependent part of the peritoneal cavity in the supine position is:
a) Right subhepatic space
b) Right extrahepatic space
c) Omental bursa
d) Right suprahepatic space
8. The duct of Wirsung is the other name for:
a) Main pancreatic duct
b) Accessory pancreatic duct
c) Hepatic duct
d) Common bile duct
9. Base of the heart is mainly formed by
a) Right Atrium
b) Right Ventricle
c) Left Atrium
d) Left Ventricle
10. The oesophageal opening in the diaphragm transmits:
a) Azygous vein
b) Vagus nerve
c) Right phrenic nerve
d) Sympathetic trunk
11. Following are the muscles of the thoracic wall Except...
a) Sternocostalis
b) Internal Intercostal
c) External Intercostal
d) Iliocostalis
12. Popliteal fascia is the:
a) Superficial fascia of the region
b) Deep fascia of the region
c) Fascia over popliteus muscle
d) Fascia deep to gastrocnemius
13. The muscle that acts on the hip and the knee is
a) Vastus medialis
b) Articularis genu
c) Rectus femoris
d) Vastus intermedius
14. Capacitation of the sperm occurs in:
a) Uterus
b) Vagina
c) Fallopian Tube
d) Vas deferens
15. Which of the following muscles is not found in the floor of the femoral triangle?
a) Iliacus
b) Psoas major
c) Pectineus
d) Adductor magnus
16. Which of the following pair is INCORRECT?
a) Rectus femoris-Femoral nerve
b) Tibialis anterior - Tibial nerve
c) Peroneus longus- Superficial peroneal nerve
d) Tensor fascia latae- Superior gluteal nerve
17. The most common site for implantation in ectopic pregnancy is:
a) Internal os of the uterus
b) Mesentery
c) Ovary
d) Uterine tube
18. The tendency of an offspring to resembles its parents is known as:
a) Variation
b) Heredity
c) Resemblance
d) Inheritance
19. The layer of the uterus is shed monthly in menstruating females
a) myometrium
b) functional layer of endometrium
c) basalis layer of endometrium
d) Epimetrium
20. Which of the following lacks goblets cells?
a) nasal cavity
b) ileum
c) trachea
d) esophagus
Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs)
Attempt all questions.
This question paper consists of two sections: Section A- Multiple Choice Questions and Section B- Theory Questions.
Both the section has different paper code. Write correct paper code on respective sheet
Write correct MCQ paper set on OMR sheet and write correct theory questions on the provided answer booklet.
PAPER CODE: 2422230001
Q.1 Long Answer Questions 15 MARKS
Enumerate the coverings of the testis. Describe the descent of testis and factors affecting descent of testis.
Write about undescended testis.
Q.2 Clinical Case Scenario based Structured Question (15 MARKS)
A 5 year old child accidentally aspirates a small coin while playing unobserved by parents. Suddenly he feels difficulty and breathing and starts coughing. His mother who was working in kitchen heard this and attends immediately. He consulted immediately nearby doctor. Suspecting foreign body in respiratory tract doctor advised X ray chest. X ray chest showed coin in right main bronchus
Define broncho-pulmonary segment of the lung
Why lodgement of foreign body is common on right side?
Draw labelled diagram of broncho-pulmonary segment
Enumerate the recesses of the pleura
Write about different applied anatomy of the lung
Q.3 Short Note Question (Approx 500 Words) 5 X 6 = 30 MARKS
Left coronary artery: origin, course, branches and applied anatomy
Rectus sheath with relevant applied aspect
Development of palate with developmental anomalies
Supports of the uterus
Knee joint: type, subtype, enumerate ligaments, movements and applied anatomy
Q.4 Short Answer Questions (Within 100 Words) 5 X 4 = 20 MARKS
Development of inter-atrial septum
Vermiform appendix: structure, position, blood supply and applied anatomy
Coeliac trunk
Histology of tongue
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