Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Anatomy Paper-2 (Supplementary), 2020 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Anatomy Paper 2 of 2020 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on 24 May 2022. Maximum Marks: 100 TIME: 3Hrs
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MBBS: Anatomy Paper 2 Part 1 ABVMUUP Paper Code: 212 21 30001
Q1. Describe the kidney under the following headings: (4x5= 20 marks)
a. External features
b. Relations of right and left kidneys
c. Coverings of the kidney and its blood supply
d. Microscopic structure of the kidney
Q2. Write short notes on the following: (4×5=20 marks)
a. Bile duct
b. Descent of testis
c. Epiploic foramen
d. Rectus sheath
Q3. Multiple choice questions (Each question carries 1 mark: Total 10 marks)
a. All of the following are derivatives of the mesonephric duct EXCEPT?
A) Vas deferens
B) Seminal vesicles
C) Gartner's duct
D) Uterine tubes
b. The lumen of the urinary bladder is lined by which type of epithelium?
A) Transitional epithelium
B) Squamous epithelium
C) Cuboidal epithelium
D) Columnar epithelium
c. Appendices epiploicae is a feature of:
A) Duodenum
B) Stomach
C) Colon
D) Jejunum
d. The inferior margin of the Falciform ligament contains:
A) Ligamentum venosum
B) Ligamentum teres hepatis
C) Linorenal ligament
D) Median umbilical ligament
e. FALSE statement regarding Meckel's diverticulum is:
A) It is found in 2%-4% of the population
B) It lies approximately 40-60 cm from the ileocecal valve on the antimesenteric border of the ileum
C) It develops from the mesonephric duct
D) It may contain gastric mucosa, liver, or pancreatic tissue
f. The deepest fornix of the vagina is:
A) Anterior fornix
B) Posterior fornix
C) Right Lateral fornix
D) Left lateral fornix
g. The following statements concerning an indirect inguinal hernia are correct EXCEPT?
A) It is the most common form of abdominal hernia
B) The neck of the hernial sac lies medial to the inferior epigastric artery
C) The sac is the remains of the processus vaginalis
D) The hernial sac can extend into the scrotum
h. The following structures are present within the right free margin of the lesser omentum EXCEPT?
A) The portal vein
B) The bile duct
C) The hepatic vein
D) The hepatic artery
i. Viscera forming the stomach bed are separated by the lesser sac EXCEPT:
A) Left suprarenal gland
B) Right kidney
C) Left crus of diaphragm
D) Splenic artery
j. During cholecystectomy, if a scissor accidentally enters the tissues immediately posterior to the epiploic foramen, the immediate cause of profuse bleeding is most likely due to rupture of which vessel?
A) Aorta
B) Superior mesenteric vein
C) Portal vein
D) Inferior vena cava
MBBS: Anatomy Paper 2 Part 2. ABVMUUP Paper Code: 212 22 30001
Q1. Describe the heart under the following headings: (4x5= 20 marks)
a. External features of the heart
b. Internal features of the right atrium
c. Arterial supply of the heart
d. Embryological basis of Fallot's Tetralogy
Q2. Write short notes on the following: (4×5=20 marks)
a. Great Saphenous vein
b. Soleus muscle
c. Microscopic structure of Lung
d. Popliteal fossa
Q3. Multiple choice questions (Each question carries 1 mark: Total 10 marks)
a. Which of the following statement about the thoracic duct is INCORRECT?
A) It commences at the upper end of Cisterna chyli
B) At the level of T5 it inclines to the left and passes behind the esophagus
C) It has no valve
D) It opens at the point of confluence of the left internal jugular and subclavian vein
b. Indentations in the esophagus are caused by all EXCEPT:
A) Aortic arch
B) Left bronchus
C) Left atrium
D) Left ventricle
c. True statement about the Bronchopulmonary segment is:
A) Aerated by a segmental bronchus
B) Pyramidal in shape with its base directed towards the periphery
C) An independent respiratory unit
D) Supplied by its own separate branch of the pulmonary artery and vein
d. Claudication due to popliteal femoral incompetence is primarily seen in:
A) Thigh
B) Calf
C) Buttock
D) Feet
e. Inversion and eversion movements of the foot occur at which joint:
A) Ankle
B) Tarsometatarsal
C) Subtalar and midtarsal
D) Inferior tibiofibular
f. Which of the following is a content of the femoral canal:
A) Femoral artery
B) Femoral vein
C) Femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve
D) Lymph nodes
g. Secondary ossification center for the lower end of the femur appears at:
A) At birth
B) At 1 year of age
C) At 5 years of age
D) At 6 months of age
h. The Azygos vein drains into:
A) Right subcostal vein
B) Superior vena cava
C) Brachiocephalic vein
D) Right ascending lumbar vein
i. Intercostal nerve is a branch of:
A) Ventral rami of thoracic spinal nerves
B) Dorsal rami of thoracic spinal nerve
C) Brachial plexus
D) Ventral Rami of cervical spinal nerves
j. Adductor magnus is supplied by:
A) Obturator nerve
B) Femoral nerve
C) Obturator and common peroneal nerve
D) Obturator and tibial division of the sciatic nerve
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