Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers

Anatomy Paper-2 ( Main ), 2020 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow

This is Anatomy Paper 2 of 2020 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on 25 January 2022. Maximum Marks: 100 TIME: 3Hrs.


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MBBS: ANATOMY Paper 2 Part 1. ABVMU UP. Paper Code: 2112230001

Q1. Describe stomach under the following headings:. 4×5=20

a.) Gross structure.

b.) Relations

c.) Blood supply and lymphatic drainage

d.) Clinical anatomy

Q2. Write briefly on: 4×5=20

a.) Thoracic duct

b.) Development of interatrial septum

c.) Posterior relation of right kidney

d.) Bronchopulmonary segments

Q3. Write the correct/ most appropriate answer (Each carries 1 mark = Total 10)
a.) Inability to extend the knee and loss of cutaneous sensation over the anterior surface of the thigh would indicate a lesion or compression of the

A.) Obturator nerve

B.) Femoral nerve

C.) Sciatic nerve

D.) Tibial nerve

b.) Boundary of triangle of auscultation is NOT formed by :

A.) Serratus anterior

B.) Scapula

C.) Trapezius

D.) Latissimus dorsi

c.) Which of the following structure is correctly matched with its remnant:

A.) Ligamentum teres hepatis - Obliterated left umbilical vein

B.) Ovarian ligament - Vitello intestinal duct

C.) Ligamentum venosum - Gubernaculum

D.) Meckel's diverticulum - Obliterated ductus venosus

d.) An elderly lady suffers a coronary occlusion. Subsequently it is noted that there is complete heart block (that is right and left bundles of the conduction system have been damaged ) . The artery most likely involved is :

A.) Circumflex branch

B.) Anterior interventricular

C.) Posterior interventricular

D.) Right marginal

e.) When the femur is fractured , the broken distal end often turns posteriorly to enter the popliteal fossa due to muscle traction . Because of its position deep in the fossa , which structure is most vulnerable to laceration?

A.) Common peroneal nerve

B.) Small saphenous

C.) Popliteal artery

D.) Tibial nerve

f.) Congenital megacolon (Hirschsprung’s disease) is related to:
i) Failure of migration of neural crest cells in the wall of colon
ii). The segment proximal to it is grossly dilated
iii). The segment distal to it is grossly dilated
iv) . Loss of peristalsis

A.) i), ii), and iv)

B.) i), iii), and iv

C.) i) and ii)

D.) i) and iii)

g.) Crista terminalis is a feature of:

A.) Right ventricle

B.) Left ventricle

C.) Left atrium

D.) Right atrium

h.) The diaphragmatic hernia can occur in the following sites, EXCEPT:

A.) Esophageal opening.

B.) Bochdalek triangle

C.) Foramen of Morgagni

D.) IVC opening

i.) Which of the following is not related to superior surface of first rib?

A.) Ventral ramus of TI

B.) Lower trunk of brachial plexus

C.) Subclavian artery

D.) Subclavian vein

j.) The parietal pleura -

A.) Is insensitive to pain

B.) Dips into the lung fissures

C.) Is attached adherently to the lung surfaces

D.) Joins the visceral pleura at the hilum of lung

MBBS: Anatomy PAPER 2 Part 2 ABVMUUP Paper Code: 211223000
Q1. Describe hip joint under the following headings:. 10+5+5=20

a. Structure and ligaments

b. Movements with the performing muscles

c. Clinical anatomy

Q2. Write short notes on :. 4×5=20

a. Popliteal fossa

b. Internal features of right atrium

c. Supports of uterus

d. Histology of testis

Q3. Choose one correct answer: (Each question caries 1 mark : total 10 marks)
a.) Afferent pain fibres for the biliary tract

A. Do not respond to distension of the viscus

B. Run with the vagus nerve to the nucleus of the solitary tract

C. May run with the right phrenic nerve

D. Run with spinal nerves to T2-5

b.) The vena caval opening in the diaphragm lies at the level of -

A. T12

B. L1.

C. T10

D. T8

c.) Which of the following nerves innervate the costal pleura -

A. Vagus.

B. Intercostal.

C. Splanchnic

D. Phrenic

d.) The great saphenous vein -

A. Is a continuation of the lateral marginal vein of the foot

B. Runs between the 2 heads of gastrocnemius

C. Pierces the cribriform fascia in the upper thigh

D. Can be found immediately below and lateral to the pubic tubercle

e.) Derivative of the paramesonephric duct is -

A. Testis

B. Fallopian tube.

C. Paraphooron

D. Oophoron

f.) The first part of duodenum-

A. Lies at the level of L2 in the supine body

B. Is approximately 10cm long in the adult

C. Partially overlies the right crus of diaphragm and psoas muscle

D. Is entirely retroperitoneal

g.) NOT TRUE about right bronchus is:

A. Shorter

B. Wider.

C. More horizontal.

D. In the line of trachea

h.) Mediastinal surface of right lung is related to all EXCEPT:

A. Right atrium.

B. Arch of aorta

C. Arch of azygos vein

D. Inferior vena cava

i.) All are true about popliteus EXCEPT:

A. Is flexor of knee

B. Has Intracapsular origin

C. Is supplied by tibial nerve

D. It causes locking of knee

j.) Structure crossing dorsal surface of ischial spine are all EXCEPT?

A. Internal pudendal vessel

B. Pudendal nerve

C. Sciatic nerve

D. Nerve to obturator internus

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