Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers

Anatomy Paper-1 (Supplementary), 2022 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow

This is Anatomy Paper 1 of 2022 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on MARCH 2024


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SECTION A - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

PAPER CODE: 2421130001
Time: 20 Minutes
Choose one correct answer in the OMR sheet provided. No overwriting should be done.
20 x 1 = 20 Marks

  • 1.Which one of the following sinuses DOES NOT open into the middle meatus of the nose?
    a) Maxillary
    b) Anterior ethmoid
    c) Middle ethmoid
    d) Posterior ethmoid

  • 2.At which vertebral level does the subarachnoid space end in an adult?
    a) L3
    b) S1
    c) S2
    d) L2

  • 3.Maternal part of the placenta develops from which of the following?
    a) Decidua capsularis
    b) Decidua parietalis
    c) Decidua basalis
    d) Chorion frondosum

  • 4.Which of the following is an example of dense regular connective tissue?
    a) Dermis
    b) Adipose
    c) Bone
    d) Tendon

  • 5.What type of bone is a metacarpal?
    a) Modified long
    b) Short
    c) Miniature long
    d) Flat

  • 6.Winging of scapula occurs due to paralysis of:
    a) Serratus anterior
    b) Levator scapulae
    c) Rhomboid major
    d) Latissimus dorsi

  • 7.Following are openings in the right atrium except:
    a) Superior vena cava
    b) Inferior vena cava
    c) Azygos vein
    d) Coronary sinus

  • 8.Primary center of ossification appears in:
    a) Epiphysis
    b) Diaphysis
    c) Metaphysis
    d) Epiphyseal plate

  • 9.Following are branches of the 3rd part of the axillary artery, EXCEPT:
    a) Anterior circumflex humeral
    b) Posterior circumflex humeral
    c) Subscapular
    d) Suprascapular

  • 10.Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is present in:
    a) Gall bladder
    b) Duodenum
    c) Trachea
    d) Oesophagus

  • 11.Which of the following cells of the epidermis is part of the immune system?
    a) Keratinocyte
    b) Melanocyte
    c) Langerhans cell
    d) Merkel’s cell

  • 12.The "Purkinje cells" are found in:
    a) Pons
    b) Medulla
    c) Cerebellum
    d) Cerebrum

  • 13.Lesser petrosal nerve passes through:
    a) Foramen rotundum
    b) Foramen ovale
    c) Canaliculus innominatus
    d) Foramen spinosum

  • 14.All the structures pass through the carpal tunnel except:
    a) Tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis
    b) Tendon of flexor digitorum profundus
    c) Tendon of flexor carpi radialis
    d) Tendon of flexor pollicis longus

  • 15.Piriform fossa is located in:
    a) Oropharynx
    b) Nasopharynx
    c) Laryngopharynx
    d) Laryngeal inlet

  • 16.Tunica adventitia is thickest in which of the following blood vessels?
    a) Large-sized artery
    b) Large-sized vein
    c) Medium-sized artery
    d) Arteriole

  • 17.In the movement of flexing the elbow joint, the biceps brachii acts as:
    a) Synergist
    b) Antagonist
    c) Fixator
    d) Prime mover

  • 18.The ligament of Berry fixes the thyroid gland to:
    a) Arytenoid cartilage
    b) Hyoid bone
    c) Cricoid cartilage
    d) Conus elasticus

  • 19.Thyroid follicle is lined by:
    a) Squamous epithelium
    b) Columnar epithelium
    c) Cuboidal epithelium
    d) Transitional epithelium

  • 20.A 20-year-old swimmer with otitis media presents with loss of taste sensation. Which nerve is likely to be affected?
    a) Vagus
    b) Chorda tympani
    c) Lingual
    d) Glossopharyngeal

TIME: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100 Marks (80 Theory +20MCQs)

Attempt all questions. This question paper consists of two sections: Section A- Multiple Choice Questions and Section B- Theory Questions. Both the section has different paper code. Write correct paper code on respective sheet Write correct MCQ paper set on OMR sheet Answer MCQs on the provided OMR sheet and theory questions on the provided answer booklet.

PAPER CODE: 2421230001
Q.1 Long Answer Questions 15 MARKS

Define boundaries and contents of the Orbit. Discuss in detail about the Extraocular muscles.

Q.2 Clinical Case Scenario based Structured Question (15 MARKS)

A 30 year old male involved in domestic fight. During the fight he got a deep cut in the middle of his back of left arm by sharp object. There was profuse bleeding from the wound. Patient was shifted immediately to nearest hospital. On examination, patient was having difficulty in extending his elbow joint. Also patient has wrist drop position.

i) Which nerve and artery are injured at this site? 3 marks

ii) Describe affected nerve and artery in brief. 4 marks

iii) Describe the motor symptoms that can develop due to injury to affected nerve. 3 marks

iv) Draw the labelled diagram of brachial plexus 5 marks

Q.3 Short Note Question (Approx 500 Words) 5 X 6 = 30 MARKS

i) Primitive streak and congenital anomalies related to it.

ii) Microscopic structure of Compact bone.

iii) Internal capsule with clinical anatomy.

iv) Anastomosis around scapula and elbow joint.

v) Enumerate palmer spaces of Hand and describe midpalmar space in details.

Q.4 Short Answer Questions (Within 100 Words) 5 X 4 = 20 MARKS

i) Describe Carotid triangle.

ii) Sensory speech area.

iii) Histological differences between cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles

iv) Intrinsic muscles of hand.

v) Draw the labelled diagram of posterior triangle of neck showing floor and contents.

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