Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers

Anatomy Paper-1 (Supplementary), 2021 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow

This is Anatomy Paper 1 of 2021 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow .


VitalText Publication

1/31/20253 min read


TIME: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all questions. Answer Section - A and Section - B in separate answer books. All parts of a question should be answered together.


PAPER CODE: 2321130001

Q.1 Long Answer Question (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)

During a difficult child birth a baby's head was delivered first but his rest of the body was stuck in the birth canal. The baby had to be pulled out by his head which was done with great difficulty. Next day the doctor noticed that the infant’s right arm was adducted and internally rotated, whereas his right forearm was extended and pronated. On further examination it was found that there was sensory loss on the lateral aspect of the right upper limb too.

  1. What is the name of the deformity and probable site of lesion? (4 Marks)

  2. Name the affected muscles on the basis of deformities of right upper limb noted by doctor. (4 Marks)

  3. Draw the labeled diagram of brachial plexus. (3 Marks)

  4. Give anatomical basis of sensory loss in the affected upper limb. (4 Marks)

Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words) (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)
  • Cubital fossa: boundaries, roof, floor, relations, contents, applied anatomy

  • Histological differences between smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle

  • Fertilization

Q.3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words) (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)
  1. Enumerate the structures passing above and below the flexor retinaculum of hand

  2. Write the functions of the placenta

  3. Enumerate the branches of the brachial artery

  4. Define gastrulation

  5. Name the two organs where transitional epithelium is present

Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)
  • 1. Myelin sheath in CNS is formed by .............
    a) Microglia
    b) Schwann cells
    c) Oligodendrocytes
    d) Astrocytes

  • 2. Primitive streak appears on .......... day of development
    a) 10th
    b) 12th
    c) 15th
    d) 18th

  • 3. Lymph vessels are present in all except:
    a) Brain
    b) Liver
    c) Lungs
    d) Vagina

  • 4. Clavipectoral fascia is pierced by all except:
    a) Medial pectoral nerve
    b) Lateral pectoral nerve
    c) Cephalic vein
    d) Thoracoacromial artery

  • 5. Which type of collagen fibers are seen in microscopic anatomy of hyaline cartilage?
    a) Type I
    b) Type II
    c) Type III
    d) Type IV

  • 6. All of the following arteries form anastomosis except:
    a) Coronary artery
    b) Axillary artery
    c) Popliteal artery
    d) Central artery of retina

  • 7. Root value of long thoracic nerve is ............
    a) C5, C6
    b) C5, C6, C7
    c) C5, C6, C7, C8
    d) C5, C6, C7, C8, T1

  • 8. Action of dorsal interossei is:
    a) Flexion of interphalangeal joints
    b) Abduction of fingers
    c) Adduction of fingers
    d) Extension of metacarpo-phalangeal joints

  • 9. The mammary bed is formed by all of the following except:
    a) Pectoralis major
    b) Pectoralis minor
    c) Serratus anterior
    d) Aponeurosis of external oblique muscle of abdomen

  • 10. Usual period of viability of an ovum in female genital tract is:
    a) Less than 12 hours
    b) About 24 hours
    c) 48 - 72 hours
    d) More than 72 hours

SECTION – B PAPER CODE: 2321230001
Q.1 Long Answer Question (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)

A 45-year-old male patient visited the physician with a complaint of sudden onset of the left side of his face becoming motionless when he woke up in the morning. On examination, the physician found his face is drawn to the right side when he tries to smile, and he cannot close his left eye. The patient also complains of dribbling of saliva from the left angle of the mouth, and during mastication, food accumulates between the teeth and cheek.

  1. What is this condition called? (2 Marks)

  2. What are the common causes of this condition? (3 Marks)

  3. Why is the patient not able to close his left eye? (3 Marks)

  4. What is the reason for dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth? (3 Marks)

  5. How are the muscles of facial expression tested? (4 Marks)

Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words) (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)

a) Circle of Willis
b) Cavernous sinus with applied anatomy
c) Posterior triangle of the neck: boundaries, roof, floor, contents, and applied anatomy

Q.3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words) (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)

a) Broca’s area
b) Draw the labeled diagram of blood supply of the long bone
c) Primary cartilaginous joint vs. secondary cartilaginous joint
d) Name nuclei of the cerebellum
e) Write the nerve supply and action of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)
  • 1. Which layer of the scalp is known as the ‘dangerous layer’?
    a) Subcutaneous layer
    b) Aponeurotic layer
    c) Loose areolar tissue
    d) Pericranium

  • 2. Deep cervical fascia has all the following derivatives except:
    a) Pretracheal fascia
    b) Prevertebral fascia
    c) Stylomandibular ligament
    d) Sphenomandibular ligament

  • 3. All of the following structures lie within the parotid gland except:
    a) Facial nerve
    b) Retromandibular vein
    c) External carotid artery
    d) Internal carotid artery

  • 4. .......... is the safety muscle of the tongue.
    a) Hyoglossus
    b) Genioglossus
    c) Palatoglossus
    d) Styloglossus

  • 5. The nasolacrimal duct opens into ..........
    a) Superior meatus of the nose
    b) Middle meatus of the nose
    c) Inferior meatus of the nose
    d) Vestibule of the nose

  • 6. The main contribution in the formation of cerebrospinal fluid is by ..........
    a) Choroid plexus within the lateral ventricles
    b) Choroid plexus within the 3rd ventricle
    c) Choroid plexus within the 4th ventricle
    d) Ependyma of the ventricles

  • 7. Not a part of basal nuclei:
    a) Corpus striatum
    b) Claustrum
    c) Amygdaloid body
    d) Habenular nucleus

  • 8. Great cerebral vein of Galen is formed by the union of:
    a) Internal cerebral vein
    b) Anterior cerebral vein
    c) Superficial middle cerebral veins
    d) Middle cerebral veins

  • 9. Which of the following is not an example of a saddle variety of synovial joint?
    a) Sternoclavicular joint
    b) Shoulder joint
    c) Calcaneocuboid joint
    d) Incudomalleolar joint

  • 10. Somites develop from:
    a) Para-axial mesoderm
    b) Intermediate mesoderm
    c) Lateral plate mesoderm
    d) Endoderm

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