Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Anatomy Paper-1 (Main), 2021 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Anatomy Paper 1 of 2021 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on JANUARY 2023
VitalText Publication
1/25/20253 min read
Max. Marks: 100
TIME: 3 Hrs
PAPER CODE: 2311130001
Note: Attempt all questions. Answer Part - I and Part - II in separate answer books. All parts of a question should be answered together.
Q.1 Long Answer Question
A 12-year-old boy came in O.P.D. with a complaint of unilateral firm, warm, painful swelling of the cheek. The clinician observed that swelling was located between the ear and angle of the jaw and was extremely painful. He made a clinical diagnosis of Parotitis. Answer the below-mentioned questions:
a) What is the anatomical reason for extreme pain in parotid inflammation?
b) Write notes on surfaces & relations of the parotid gland.
c) Describe in detail the secretomotor pathway to the parotid gland via the otic ganglion.
d) Describe the course & branches of the facial nerve within the parotid gland.
Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words)
(3 x 5 = 15 Marks)
a) Lacrimal apparatus.
b) Coronary sinus & its applied anatomy.
c) Development of the neural tube & neural tube defects.
Q.3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words)
(5 x 2 = 10 Marks)
a) Write in brief the arterial supply of the thyroid gland.
b) Explain why infection is more common in the metaphyseal region of a growing long bone?
c) What is Killian’s dehiscence and its clinical significance?
d) Enumerate muscles of mastication.
e) Write the branches of the external carotid artery.
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Safety muscle of larynx is:
Lateral cricoarytenoid
Posterior cricoarytenoid
Transverse arytenoid
Coracoid process of scapula is an example of:
Pressure epiphysis
Traction epiphysis
Atavistic epiphysis
Aberrant epiphysis
Taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue is taken by:
Facial nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Hypoglossal nerve
Vagus nerve
Symphysis pubis is a variety of:
Primary cartilaginous joint
Secondary cartilaginous joint
Synovial joint
Both a & c
In a 32-day menstrual cycle ovulation occurs at:
14th day
18th day
22nd day
24th day
Surgical layers of scalp include all except:
Connective tissue layer
Aponeurotic layer
Loose areolar tissue
All are supplied by mandibular nerve except:
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Posterior belly of digastric
Anterior belly of digastric
Little’s area is an anastomosis of all arteries except:
Lesser palatine artery
Greater palatine artery
Anterior ethmoidal artery
Posterior ethmoidal artery
Oculomotor nerve supplies all except:
Inferior rectus
Superior rectus
Medial rectus
Lateral rectus
Most common cause of bleeding after tonsillectomy:
Tonsillar branch of facial artery
Branch from lingual artery
Branch from descending palatine artery
Paratonsillar vein
PART – II PAPER CODE: 2311230001
Q.1 Long Answer Question (2 + 3 + 3 + 7 = 15 Marks)
A 38-year-old woman visited a doctor with a complaint of a hard painless lump in the upper outer quadrant of her left breast. On examination, the doctor found that the breast was fixed and axillary lymph nodes were enlarged. Radiograph of the vertebral column showed irregular shadows in the bodies of L₁ & L₂ vertebrae. Answer the below-mentioned questions:
a) What is the probable diagnosis & why was the breast fixed?
b) Describe the morphology of the breast.
c) Blood supply of the breast.
d) Give a detailed account of the lymphatic drainage of the breast & its applied aspect.
Q.2 Short Notes Questions (within 500 words) (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)
a) Floor of the fourth ventricle.
b) Visual pathway & visual field defects.
c) Motor speech area of Broca & sensory speech area of Wernicke.
Q.3 Short Answer Questions (within 100 words) (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)
a) Explain why the median cubital vein is preferred for collecting blood samples and for giving intravenous injections?
b) Carpal tunnel syndrome.
c) Enumerate the arteries taking part in the formation of the circle of Willis.
d) Enumerate four examples of hyaline cartilage.
e) Enumerate branches of the axillary artery.
Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
1. Muscles attached to the medial border of the scapula are all except:
a) Serratus anterior
b) Rhomboideus major
c) Rhomboideus minor
d) Teres major2. Erb’s palsy is due to injury of:
a) Upper trunk of brachial plexus
b) Lower trunk of brachial plexus
c) C8 root of brachial plexus
d) It is due to dislocation of the shoulder joint3. The brainstem consists of all of the following components except:
a) Midbrain
b) Pons
c) Cerebellum
d) Medulla oblongata4. All of the following are subdivisions of the diencephalon except:
a) Thalamus
b) Mammillary bodies
c) Metathalamus
d) Subthalamus5. Clavipectoral fascia is pierced by all of the following structures except:
a) Cephalic vein
b) Thoraco-acromial artery
c) Medial pectoral nerve
d) Lymph vessels from the breast6. Which of the following two muscles contract together while climbing a tree?
a) Latissimus dorsi & trapezius
b) Teres major & Teres minor
c) Teres major & Pectoralis major
d) Latissimus dorsi & Pectoralis major7. Fracture of which carpal bone is prone to avascular necrosis:
a) Lunate
b) Scaphoid
c) Pisiform
d) Hamate8. Which of the following structures consists of both projection and commissural fibres?
a) Internal capsule
b) Pyramid
c) Cerebral fornix
d) Crus cerebri9. Term urothelium is used for:
a) Transitional epithelium
b) Pseudostratified epithelium
c) Simple columnar epithelium
d) Simple cuboidal epithelium10. Infection of the index finger spreads to:
a) Midpalmar space
b) Thenar space
c) Radial bursa
d) Dorsum of hand
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