Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University Lucknow Previous Year Question Papers
Anatomy Paper-1 (Main), 2020 MBBS Batch ABVMU Lucknow
This is Anatomy Paper 1 of 2020 MBBS Batch. This paper was conducted by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lucknow on 24 January 2022. Maximum Marks: 100 TIME: 3Hrs
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MBBS: ANATOMY Paper 1 Part 1. ABVMU UP. Paper Code: 2111130001
Q1. A 45 year old women complained of a swelling in front of her neck. She also gave a history of a loss of weight and nervousness. The doctor observed that the swelling was moving with deglutition. She was diagnosed to be a case of hyperthyroidism. Partial thyroidectomy was performed. After operation She made a complaint of a hoarseness of voice.
a. What is the anatomical basis of thyroid swelling moving up and down with deglutition? ( 4 Marks)
b. Describe the arterial supply of thyroid gland. ( 5 Marks)
c. Why was the patient complaining of hoarseness of voice after operation. ( 3 Marks)
d. Which other gland may be removed along with thyroid? ( 2 Marks)
e. Describe the capsules of thyroid gland. ( 3 Marks)
f. Enumerate the muscles covering the superficial or lateral surface of the gland. ( 3 Marks)
Q2. Write briefly on : ( 5×4=20)
a. Development of tongue and its anomalies.
b. Microscopic structure of thymus.
c. Sensory supply of face.
d. Muscles of mastication
Q3. Multiple Choice Questions: ( 1×10=10)
a.) A patient was diagnosed with tumor in pituitary gland. If the tumor expands laterally, which of the following nerve is most likely to be a affected first?
A. Abducent
B. Trochlear
C. Oculomotor
D. Optic
b.) The joint between epiphysis and diaphysis of a growing bone is :
A. Symphysis
B. Synchondrosis
C. Syndesmosis
D. Sutural
c.) Which of the following epithelium offers best protection against mechanical injuries ?
A. Stratified cuboidal
B. Stratified Columnar
C. Keratinized stratified squamous
D. Non keratinized stratified squamous
d.) Which of the following cranial nerve is stimulated during syringing of ear ?
C. X
e.) Which of the following air sinuses does not drain in the middle meatus of nose?
A. Anterior ethmoidal
B. Middle ethmoidal
C. Posterior ethmoidal
D. Maxillary
f.) Which of the following nerve supplies the muscles of face ?
A. Trochlear
B. Trigeminal
C. Facial
D. Glossopharyngeal
g.) Cartilage of second pharyngeal arch forms ?
A. Incus
B. Malleus
C. Small cornua and upper part of the body of the hyoid
D. Greater cornua and lower part of the body of the hyoid
h.) Suspensory ligament of berry is formed by ?
A. Pretracheal fascia
B. Prevertebral fascia
C. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
D. Buccopharyngeal fascia
i.) Which of the following is NOT a component of carotid sheath ?
A. Vagus nerve
B. Internal carotid artery
C. Internal jugular vein
D. Sympathetic trunk
j.) Which of the following muscle divides the submandibular gland into superficial and deep part ?
A. Hyoglossus
B. Geniohyoid
C. Mylohyoid
D. Anterior belly of digastric
MBBS: ANATOMY Paper 1 Part 2. ABVMU UP. Paper Code: 2111130001
Q1. A 50 years old lady came to the surgeon with the complaints of a firm, painless mass in the upper lateral quadrant of her right breast. On examination the nipple was found to be retracted. Axillary lymph nodes were also palpable and firm. She was diagnosed as a case of Breast cancer.
a. What are the structures lying deep to the breast? 3
b. Describe the lymphatic drainage of the breast. 7
c. What causes the retraction of nipple? 3
d. What is the anatomical basis of peau d’ orange? 4
e. Explain the anatomical basis of spread of cancer to vertebrae 3
Q 2. Write briefly on: (4X5=20)
Fourth Ventricle of brain
Erb’s paralysis
Musculotendinous cuff of the shoulder
Functional areas on the superolateral surface of cerebrum
Q3. Multiple Choice Questions: ( 1×10=10)
a.) Which of the following is the most vascular area of the long bone?
A. Metaphysis
B. Epiphysis
C. Diaphysis
D. Epiphyseal line
b.) Lateral spinothalamic tract carries
A. Pain and temperature from the opposite half of the body
B. Pain and temperature from the same side of the body
C. Crude touch and pressure from opposite side of the body
D. Crude touch and pressure from the same side of the body
c.) Lesions of basal ganglia cause
A. Weber’s syndrome.
B. Parkinsonism
C. C. Syringomyelia
D. Brown Sequard syndrome
d.) Purkinje cells are present in
A. Spinal cord
B. Cerebrum
C. Cerebellum
D. Brain stem
e.) Avascular necrosis of which of the following carpal bones is more common?
A. Scaphoid
B. Lunate
C. Capitate
D. Hamate
f.) Which of the following nerves supply the deltoid muscle?
A. Axillary
B. Suprascapular
C. Radial
D. Musculocutaneous
g.) Which of the following nerve is injured if the patient complains of loss of sensation at the tip of index finger?
A. Median
B. Radial
C. Ulnar
D. Posterior interosseous
h.) First carpometacarpal joint is an example of which of the following joints?
A. Saddle
B. Pivot
C. Hinge
D. Ellipsoid
i.) Which of the following layer is NOT present in thin skin?
A. Stratum basale
B. Stratum granulosum
C. Stratum spinosum
D. Stratum lucidum
j.) Intervillous space of placenta contains
A. Foetal blood
B. Maternal blood
C. Both foetal and maternal
D. Amniotic fluid
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